if someone hit your car door, now it is crushed %26amp; hanging on by a thread, they drove away, don't know who they were?
What can you do ? What steps are to be taken?
If someone hit your car door, %26amp; they drove away,don't know who they were?
look for a witness
If someone hit your car door, %26amp; they drove away,don't know who they were?
Call the cops, what is you do.
They take info on car that hit you.
You fill paperwork out,
then wait about,
maybe they find them
but they do I really doubt.
Reply:At least report it to the police, take photos of the damage, inform your insurers.
The cops may not even come to check it, if they do, see if they will take samples of paint scrapes etc (I'd guess not) and make sure you keep the insurers fully informed.
As long as the insurers have confirmation you have "tried" to find the culprit they should pay for the repairs - next step is to get a quote for the repairs - your insurer will send you a claim form and probably a list of approved repairers.
Reply:If you were on a private parking lot, and it was an "accident" there is nothing you can do about it.. this happened to my dad.. he called the cops, and he GOT THE LADYS INFO because she FILLED OUT AND APPLICATION at the KFC parkin lot that it happened at! He got a name, address and everything, and the cop said there was nothing you could do otherwise, you need to stay whereever it happened, and call the cops, and file a report, go through all that, and your insurance should cover it..
Best of luck!
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